Monday, September 29, 2008


In view of the many problems on the economic, immigration, energy, healthcare fronts as well as other areas, John McCain should immediately announce the suspension of his campaign through November 4 and concede early to Barrack Obama.

It is clear that once installed in the White House, President Obama will institute programs eliminating all the dire problems facing the country while reestablishing our standing in the world community. It will be wonderful seeing demonstrations in Iran, Sudan, Somalia and Palestine showing their love for America.

According to his "plan" unemployment will be reduced to zero and everyone will get a payraise, except the CEO's who will have to give their ill gotten gains back to the treasury. No one will have to pay taxes, again with the exception of those fat cats in the boardroom.

Illegal immigration will no longer be a problem because the borders will be open to reflect American values of welcoming all who want to come. The Border Patrol could simply be eliminated and the State Dept. passport and visa sections would no longer be necessary. As Obama has taught us, we're all citizens of one world.

Oil exploration could cease as all our energy needs would be met by solar and wind.

And the capstone of the Obama plan will provide that every American will have the best medical treatment for free. Doctors, like the fat cat CEO's will just have to do as VP Biden puts it, "the patriotic" thing and pay the freight in higher taxes. Free healthcare is a right, right?

It's all over but the celebrating. Champagne is being iced, it will be domestic this year.

The edge

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