Thursday, September 11, 2008


There are certain catch phrases that have taken their place in the general usage to the point that they become a sort of short hand. Putting lipstick on a pig is one of those ubiquitous aliterations requiring no explanation. Why, then was there such a reaction when Sen Obama used the phrase in discussing the economic policies of his opponents.

What if Obama had said in describing his primary opponents policy "you can dress a pig in a pants suit but it would still be a pig." Would it have raised a few eyebrows?

The point is that certain words become associated with individuals. After her acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in which she ad libbed the pitbull and lipstick joke, she has, at least in the short term co-opted the word. As an astute politician, it is surprisingly myopic of Obama and demonstrates a lack of situational awareness that is telling.

Whether Obama was consciously alluding to Palin is unclear but it is evident that his audience made the connection. The real story is that it seems the Palin factor has the Obama-Biden campaign bemused and in dissarray. If they can't get back on track, the cosmetic makeover of livestock may be the least of their problems.

The Edge

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