Monday, September 8, 2008


Even the most casual observer of the presidential race will note that a common theme has emerged. In a word, "change". It has become so ubiquitous as to lose it's impact. It is reminiscent of children repeating a word over and over again to the point when the word not only loses its distinctive sound but also its meaning. A careful reading of both candidate's websites and speeches may lead to a better understanding of what each candidate means when they talk about change. Policy changes have been getting the lion's share of exposure and while they are important, what is being overlooked is the systemic problems that are the root cause of many of the problems facing the citizenry.

While both candidates have offered some policy initiatives, the Obama campaign has focused on comprehensive healthcare and tax reforms but is less specific on immigration, energy and national security issues which have been the foundation of the McCain platform. Only McCain seems to have a track record of and a plan for tackling the Washington DC establishment and the way things are done.

Sen. McCain joined with democratic Sen. Feingold in a two year effort resulting in the first campaign funding reform in fifty years and promises to continue if elected to eliminate the so-called 527 groups that currently are able to raise unlimited funds to support candidates. Examples of 527 organizations are Move-on on the far left and the right wing Swift Boat group that targeted Kerry in the last election cycle. McCain would also eliminate "earmarks" a method legislators use to hide expenditures for special interests in otherwise un-related bills. Additionally, he would also limit the ability of former members of congress and the senate to accept employment with lobbying groups and even writing bills that are then offered up for consideration by a sitting member.

Policies are an important consideration when determining which candidate to support but without addressing the systemic issues nothing much will really change.

The Edge

1 comment:

usmcguy said...

yeah,I agree. If either wants to make a huge jump they need to start covering all the issues, and stop stemming away from certain ones. Its almost like a political cloak on some topics. I think McCain has covered more then Obama though.